Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication Studies

First Advisor

Leah Seurer


There has been a growing involvement of men in the feminist cause. Nonetheless, their own experiences as self-identified feminist allies have received inadequate attention within the academic research. Just like female activists, men who identify as feminist activists also make use of such digital platforms to support the activism and make significant contributions to the feminist discourse. In view of this, this study explores the experiences of Ghanaian male feminist allies in addition to delving into their experiences as feminist activists in the digital world and how they navigate the challenges that come with aligning themselves with this cause. Through a qualitative investigation, the research has presented a range of themes and insights that provide a deeper understanding of the dynamics and complexities in the experiences of male feminist allies. The findings reveal that male feminist allies engage in feminist activism for varied reasons, as well as have peculiar ways of doing activism. In spite of their commitment to the feminist cause, male feminist allies encounter a number of challenges including backlash, skepticism and religious factors. These challenges emphasize the significance of creating a supportive and inclusive environment for male allies within feminist movements. They navigate these challenges by being indifferent, retaliating and building supportive networks.

Subject Categories



Digital Media, Feminism, Feminism in Africa, Male Feminists

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota

Included in

Communication Commons



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