Author ORCID Identifier

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



First Advisor

Harry Freeman


Work is prominent in adults’ lives, and their opportunity to choose the work they prefer predicts key work and wellbeing outcomes (WWO), especially their sense of meaning in work and wellbeing. Work choice opportunities also influence a sense of calling. However, finding and keeping preferred work is often difficult when adults are also navigating finances, marginalizing systems, and non-work priorities. Work volition (WV) measures perceived freedom regarding work options and predicts the quality of work that people find and their wellbeing within and beyond work. Foundational theoretical models suggested that having safe and reliable work, known as decent work (DW), explained the relationships between WV and WWO. However, simply having an acceptable job may not fully explain one’s WWO. Further, research on WV has not examined calling outside of work. Two studies investigated these relationships using data from working adults (N=463). Mediation analyses in the first study demonstrate that WV positively and directly predicts WWO and calling in work, even after accounting for the role of DW. The second study examines these direct relationships by investigating if capacities for changing focus through goal reengagement will help adults with low WV find WWO and calling in work and outside of work. Results of the second study show no moderation between goal reengagement and WV but does highlight that both are positive predictors of WWO and calling within and beyond work. They also show that most workers reported a greater sense of calling outside their work. Together, these studies affirm the importance of WV for worker wellbeing as well as the need for a holistic and broad view regarding calling.

Subject Categories

Developmental Psychology | Industrial and Organizational Psychology | Psychology


Calling, Decent Work, Goal Reengagement, Psychology of Working, Wellbeing, Work Volition

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota

Available for download on Wednesday, March 12, 2025
