Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Special Education

First Advisor

Dr. Monica Iverson

Second Advisor

Carla McMurry-Kozak, Ed.S.

Third Advisor

Ms. Jamie Hovden


reading fluency, reading, instructional strategies, evidence-based

Subject Categories

Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Language and Literacy Education | Special Education and Teaching


Reading fluency, a person’s ability to read with speed, accuracy, and prosody, is one of the five major dimensions of reading instruction. Effective reading fluency instruction is crucial to the success of developing readers. The ability to read fluently directly impacts the ability to engage in other reading skills, as instruction with reading fluency is often integrated with skills such as reading comprehension and phonics. There are a plethora of evidence-based strategies for teaching reading instruction. While these strategies vary the delivery of instruction or materials needed, they all share a foundation of thorough research and continued efficacy in the field of education. In order to maximize the potential for student success in reading fluency and reading ability overall, the employment of some of these evidence-based strategies is essential and noteworthy for educators. The following is a literature review detailing what the current research suggests for effective instruction in reading fluency.



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