Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Dr. Louisa Roberts

Second Advisor

Dr. Isaiah Cohen

Third Advisor

Jake Thurston


religion, influence, college experience, campus groups, connection, belonging, purpose, identity, academic achievement, mental health

Subject Categories

Sociology of Religion


College can be a shocking and exciting experience for many young people, but at times can lead to crisis or hardship when they must choose what to believe. Some students may seek out a religious belief in something greater than themselves to quell their longing for meaning while in college, and others may continue the beliefs they have known. This research surveyed students to examine how college students’ level of religiosity influences their academic performance, mental health, sense of purpose and identity, and feelings of belonging and connection at the University of South Dakota (USD). Secondly, through interviewing members of campus religious groups this study explored how students involved in campus religious groups described the influence of religiosity on those dimensions of the college student experience. Prior research suggested that religiosity plays a primarily positive role in these aspects of the college experience as well as life in general. Members of campus religious groups felt their religious group positively impacted each aspect of interest, and often to a greater extent than that of the survey respondents. The findings of this research suggest each of the four dimensions of the college experiences researched is impacted in at least a small way by religiosity, especially mental health and purpose and identity.



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