Date of Award


Document Type

Oral Presentation/Poster

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Health Science

Faculty Mentor

Mackenzie Feldhacker, OTD, OTR/L, CLT-LANA


adaptive sports, leisure, leisure-focused, recreation, occupational therapy, acquired brain injury, spinal cord injury, progressive neurological conditions

Subject Categories

Occupational Therapy


There are limited findings in occupational therapy literature on leisure, despite being a highly meaningful area of occupation that has implications for both physical and mental health. This poster describes an occupational therapy Capstone experience in adaptive sports and inpatient rehabilitation at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center related to leisure restoration. The student investigated the role of occupational therapy in restoring leisure and recreation for individuals with neurological conditions and achieved the following main goals: (Goal 1) to gain skills in adaptive recreation for individuals with neurological conditions, and (Goal 2) to determine how leisure exploration can be implemented in occupational therapy in rehabilitation settings. Results of the Capstone experience indicate that (1) leisure and recreation are valued areas of occupation to address for those with disabilities, (2) leisure-focused occupational therapy can improve leisure satisfaction and quality of life for inpatient residents, (3) occupational therapists have well-established skills and perspectives to address disruptions of leisure and recreation, and (4) continued education is needed for occupational therapists to effectively address occupational barriers in recreational settings. The findings support a need for occupational therapists to address leisure and recreation as essential areas of occupation for health and wellbeing and call for continued programming and research in this area.



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