Date of Award

Spring 5-4-2024

Document Type

Oral Presentation/Poster

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Shana Cerny OTD, OTR/L , BCP

Second Advisor

Dr. Meghan Johnke OTD, OTR/L


human trafficking, trauma-informed care, service providers, occupational hazards, self-care, occupational therapy

Subject Categories

Occupational Therapy


Individuals impacted by human trafficking experience prolonged traumatic experiences and a lack of personal autonomy. Literature indicates that after exiting trafficking situations, individuals face barriers re-integrating into the community. Additionally, workers and advocates who provide after-care services experience increased occupational hazards impacting the quality of care provided and personal well-being. This capstone project aims to increase student’s clinical skills for providing trauma informed occupational therapy to individuals exiting trafficking and to expand OT’s role in combating occupational hazards for providers through self-care-based occupations. Using a previously conducted needs assessment and a conceptual framework comprised of evidence-based models, this project includes documentation that highlights trauma-informed approaches, OT interventions for alternative service settings, an Occupation-Based Well-Being Program (OBWBP) for service providers, and community education resources. The Self-Care Inventory and Satisfaction Survey assessments were used to determine the efficacy of the OBWBP.

Eleven service providers participated in the OBWBP. Google Forms was used to create, distribute, and assess the Satisfaction Survey results. The Self-Care Inventory pre and post-test results were analyzed for significance using a t-test with Microsoft Excel. The findings indicate that participants experienced an increase in knowledge about occupational hazards and an increase in self-care participation. Results imply that OT has a role in developing programming for service providers who are vicariously exposed to trauma through survivor care.



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