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A post-traditional learner is a student that has at least one of the following characteristics: financially independent, delayed enrollment, employed full-time, enrolled part-time, has children, obtained a GED or high school certificate, and/or is a single parent (Choy, 2002). Post-traditional students have been a growing presence in higher education for quite a while (Ross-Gordon, 2011). This study addresses how faculty-student interactions influence post-traditional students' perceptions of mattering. The purpose of this study was to explore the student's perceptions of mattering within faculty and post-traditional students' relationships. In addition, this study used Choy's (2002) characteristics and Horn's (1996) continuum to describe students on a post-traditional spectrum. Horn's (1996) continuum classifies students as minimally, moderately, or highly post-traditional based on the number of characteristics they have. This study seeks to discover the relationship between post-traditional learners and interactions with faculty members. Mattering is a feeling that one matters to another individual or that one is concerned with another’s wellbeing (Schlossberg, 1989). This study found that post-traditional students rated their perceptions of mattering as moderately high in regard to faculty-student relationships. Additionally, post-traditional students did not differ on their perceptions of mattering based on the amount of post-traditional characteristics they possessed.

First Advisor

Karen Card

Research Area

Educational Administration
