"Stories of Midwest Higher Education Public Safety Administrators, The " by Bryant Jackson

Author ORCID Identifier


Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)



First Advisor

Mejai Avoseh


The purpose of this narrative inquiry qualitative analysis study is to examine the lived experiences of Midwest higher education public safety administrators regarding the Clery Act. Since 1990 when the Clery Act became law, higher education public safety administrators have been required to implement this law at their institutions. While research on the Clery Act has been limited, it is critical to examine the lived experiences of those tasked with its implementation and compliance. Three themes were identified when examining the lived experiences of the Midwest public safety administrators experiences with the Clery Act. The first theme explored overall impressions of the Clery Act, including good intentions, bad impressions, and the concept that we have “lost our way.” The second theme surrounded overall confusion in the Clery Act. The third theme examined the need for relationships to promote Clery Act compliance, both institutionally and with municipal partners. Recommendations for practice include expanding Clery Act education within the institution using a top down approach, promoting Clery Act education and compliance across the institution, creating a system of share responsibilities for ensuring Clery Act compliance within the institution, and the consideration of a full-time Clery Act compliance position to aid in ensuring institutional compliance.

Subject Categories

Adult and Continuing Education | Higher Education


campus safety, Clery Act, law enforcement, public safety

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota



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