"Explorations of a Topology Constructed on the Maximal Ideals of a Bool" by Abbigal Moos


Abbigal Moos

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Ramiro Lafuente-Rodriguez


The primary purpose of this thesis is to construct a topology on the collection of maximal ideals of a distributive and complemented lattice using the hull-kernel methodology. Through the construction of this topological space, we discovered that the space is compact, zero-dimensional, and Hausdorff. Next, we looked at the properties of some lattices, namely the power set of a finite set ordered by inclusion and the set of all positives divisors for some arbitrary integer ordered by divisibility. Whenever these lattices were both distributive and complemented, we constructed a topology on the collection of maximal ideals of the lattices using the hull-kernel methodology. Finally, we applied our prior results to these topological spaces to help us further understand the structure of a topological space constructed using this methodology.

Subject Categories



Boolean algebra, lattice, order theory, poset

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota

Included in

Mathematics Commons



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