"Correlation of Motivations to view Facebook Video Advertisements with " by Mokhlisur Rahman

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication Studies

First Advisor

Charles Lubbers


Most people are familiar with the concept of Facebook video ads. Facebook offers enormous features to place in-feed video ads to promote products. An online survey was conducted at the University of South Dakota in Vermillion, South Dakota. The survey looked for user motivations for viewing Facebook video ads. The conceptual framework for this study was chosen as the Uses and Gratifications Theory. Drawing on the UGT, the study uses a previously established and supported scale used in previous uses and gratification studies to measure the correlation among results. All the participants in this study were university students. The study aimed to find the correlation between video entertainment, video informativeness, video irritation, video credibility, overall consumer impression, consumer behavior, and consumer willingness to receive more Facebook video ads. Five out of six measurements showed statistically significant, positive associations; these include a correlation between Facebook video ads’ entertaining power, informativeness, credibility, consumer attitudes after watching ads, and consumer willingness to receive more video ads. On the other hand, irritation with Facebook video ads is negatively associated with the willingness to receive more Facebook ads. This study measures the association and cannot predict the impact among the variables, and finally concludes by offering recommendations for future studies that need to focus on finding social media ads' influence on purchases.

Subject Categories

Communication | Marketing | Mass Communication


correlation, Facebook, media, Motivation, uses-and-gratification, video-advertising

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota



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