"Water and Brain Function: Effects of Hydration Status on Neurostimulat" by Sam Critzer


Sam Critzer

Author ORCID Identifier


Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Basic Biomedical Science

First Advisor

Lee A Baugh


Introduction: TMS and EEG are used to study normal neurophysiology, diagnose, and treat clinical neuropsychiatric conditions, but can produce variable results or fail. Both techniques depend on electrical volume conduction, and thus brain volumes. Hydration status can affect brain volumes and functions (including cognition), but effects on these techniques are unknown. We aimed to characterize the effects of hydration on TMS, EEG, and cognitive tasks. Methods: EEG and EMG were recorded during single-pulse TMS, paired-pulse TMS, and cognitive tasks from 32 human participants on dehydrated (12-hour fast/thirst) and rehydrated (1 Liter oral water ingestion in 1 hour) testing days. Hydration status was confirmed with urinalysis. MEP, ERP, and network analyses were performed to examine responses at the muscle, brain, and higher-order functioning. Results: Rehydration decreased motor threshold (increased excitability) and shifted the motor hotspot. Significant effects on TMS measures occurred despite being re-localized and re-dosed to these new parameters. Rehydration increased SICF of the MEP, magnitudes of specific TEP peaks in inhibitory protocols, specific ERP peak magnitudes and reaction time during the cognitive task. Rehydration amplified nodal inhibition around the stimulation site in inhibitory paired-pulse networks and strengthened nodes outside the stimulation site in excitatory and CSP networks. Cognitive performance was not improved by rehydration, although similar performance was achieved with generally weaker network activity. Discussion: Results highlight differences between mild dehydration and rehydration. The rehydrated brain was easier to stimulate with TMS and produced larger responses to external and internal stimuli. This is explainable by the known physiology of body water dynamics, which encompass macroscopic and microscopic volume changes. Rehydration can shift 3D cortical positioning, decrease scalp cortex distance (bringing cortex closer to stimulator/recording electrodes), and cause astrocyte swelling-induced glutamate release. Conclusions: Previously unaccounted variables like osmolarity, astrocyte and brain volumes likely affect neurostimulation/neurorecording. Controlling for and carefully manipulating hydration may reduce variability and improve therapeutic outcomes of neurostimulation. Dehydration is common and produces less excitable circuits. Rehydration should offer a mechanism to macroscopically bring target cortical areas closer to an externally applied neurostimulation device to recruit greater volumes of tissue and microscopically favor excitability in the stimulated circuits.

Subject Categories

Medicine and Health Sciences | Neurosciences


Psychobiology, Astrocytes, Cognitive Task, Hydration, Neurorecording, Neurostimulation, TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota

eFigure 1) HS_vs_RC - topoplot MOVIE, for ALL PEAKS, 0-350ms.avi (189191 kB)
eFigure 1) HS_vs_RC - topoplot MOVIE, for ALL PEAKS, 0-350ms

eFigure 2) HS_vs_SICI - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (78245 kB)
eFigure 2) HS_vs_SICI - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

eFigure 3) HS_vs_LICI - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (79921 kB)
eFigure 3) HS_vs_LICI - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

eFigure 4) SICF - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (77001 kB)
eFigure 4) SICF - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

eFigure 5) LICF - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (76247 kB)
eFigure 5) LICF - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

eFigure 6) HS_vs_CSP_vs_RC120 - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (76761 kB)
eFigure 6) HS_vs_CSP_vs_RC120 - ROI 1 (L M1) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

eFigure 7) STIM_only - topoplot MOVIE, for ALL PEAKS, 0-600ms.avi (110283 kB)
eFigure 7) STIM_only - topoplot MOVIE, for ALL PEAKS, 0-600ms

eFigure 8) PRESS_only - topoplot MOVIE, for ALL PEAKS, 0-600ms.avi (72360 kB)
eFigure 8) PRESS_only - topoplot MOVIE, for ALL PEAKS, 0-600ms

eFigure 9) PRESS_only - ROI 3 (Central) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (65064 kB)
eFigure 9) PRESS_only - ROI 3 (Central) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

eFigure 10) STIM_3_only - ROI 3 (Central) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (132420 kB)
eFigure 10) STIM_3_only - ROI 3 (Central) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

eFigure 11) STIM_non3_only - ROI 3 (Central) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE.avi (60386 kB)
eFigure 11) STIM_non3_only - ROI 3 (Central) - avg erp, w topos and sliding ms bar MOVIE

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Neurosciences Commons



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