Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Political Science

First Advisor

Matthew R. Fairholm


The frameworks of democracy and bureaucracy are becoming increasingly important in the political landscape. Considering the changes in policy and practice, primarily in education, administrators must contemplate the opinions and suggestions of the population at large. The need arises to initiate alternative legislative activities so the public can become more active in the political scene. The public is willing to voice their views when the policy directly affects the people. The participation process involves direct communication with bureaucrats during meetings among the public, stakeholders, and agency officials. The public participates in politics by being involved in civic duty, the rights which are entrenched constitutionally. The federal system and states have many administrators conducting their daily tasks in public agencies functioning without interruption. Public participation occurs when the bureaucratic agency performs to a different standard than the public expects. Therefore, this study aims to understand the effects of connected government by administrators that execute policies and distribute public services effectively and efficiently in public education.

Subject Categories

Public Administration | Public Policy


connected government

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota



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