
Sheila Mulder

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ded)


Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Erin Lehmann


The collection of studies explores the role of feedback in the development of pre-service teachers’ knowledge and skills, focusing on the perspectives of university supervisors and cooperating teachers. The first study used a comparative case study examining pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the feedback they received and their ideal feedback across two universities. This revealed insights into effective feedback practices, informing teacher educator’s feedback practices, underscoring recommended feedback structures within teacher preparation programs. Moreover, there is a need for training in formative feedback practices to create a common understanding of the desired teaching practices, formative feedback practices to support collaborative feedback discussions, and strategies to build trust with each other. The second paper used an action research study to investigate how the implementation of an instruction observation walkthrough tool (IWOT) alongside feedback training impacted the instructional coaching skills of teacher educators. The findings indicated that the IWOT and feedback training enhance collaboration and enable more intentional feedback for pre-service teachers. This study highlighted the necessity of training teacher educators in the use of observational tools and feedback practices to promote effective collaboration and build mutual trust. The third paper assesses the effectiveness of the IWOT in supporting the supervision practices of teacher educators through a case study approach. The results showed that the IWOT provides a comprehensive overview of observable teaching practices and facilitates focused feedback, contributing to the professional development of both university supervisors and cooperating teachers. However, the study also underscored the need for ongoing review and refinement of the IWOT, along with structured training on its utilization to ensure its continued effectiveness. Together, these papers underscored the critical role of feedback in teacher education, the importance of training in formative feedback practices, and the value of tools like the IWOT in enhancing the quality of instructional coaching. The results advocated for continuous improvement and structured training to develop effective feedback practices, collaboration, and trust among teacher educators and pre-service teachers.

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership


formative feedback, Instructional Walkthrough Tool, pre-service teachers, Student teaching practicum, teacher educators, training

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota

Available for download on Saturday, September 05, 2026
