Date of Award

Winter 12-2019

Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Dayana Soto y Caballero de Galicia

Second Advisor

Angela Helmer

Third Advisor

Cindy Struckman-Johnson


aphrodisiac, sea turtle, Mexico, sexuality


Aphrodisiacs have been used in many cultures around the world, including, but not limited to those of Greece, Egypt, Rome, and pre-Columbian societies. Aphrodisiacs are substances consumed to increase sex drive, sexual desire, and sexual performance. In Oaxaca, Mexico males are the primary people who consume aphrodisiacs, particularly Olive ridley sea turtles eggs, which are on the brink of extinction. One of the main reasons males consume these so-called aphrodisiacs is to combat erectile dysfunction, which impedes sexual performance. Many of the men who consume the Olive ridley sea turtle eggs possess traits associated with machismo, a form of masculinity often characterized by objectification of women and hypersexuality, both of which are drives for men to seek aphrodisiacs.



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