"Disparities in Access to Assisted Reproductive Technology Among Hispan" by Madison Gallagher

Date of Award

Spring 4-29-2021

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Arts and Sciences

First Advisor

Dayana Soto y Caballero de Galicia

Second Advisor

Angela Landeen

Third Advisor

Jason Flanagan


ART, Reproduction, Hispanic, Disparity, Infertility

Subject Categories

Bioethics and Medical Ethics | Latina/o Studies | Obstetrics and Gynecology | Public Health Education and Promotion | Quality Improvement | Social Justice | Women's Health


Infertility is a health problem that affects approximately 7 million women in the United States (Ethics Committee of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, 2015). Due to the high costs of reproductive medicine and infertility treatment, these services tend to be expensive and have limited accessibility without full insurance coverage. Emerging literature outlines the disparities in access to proper treatment for reproductive complications. These existing studies highlight that many minority populations in the United States experience increased challenges regarding access to reproductive medicine and infertility treatment. Among these minority groups are Hispanic women, who are more likely to require reproductive assistance than their Caucasian counterparts. However, due to economic and geographic barriers, these women are less likely to utilize assisted reproductive technology (ART). This paper will analyze the racial and ethnic disparities in access to reproductive technology and obstetric medicine affecting Hispanic women in the United States. The barriers in access to adequate healthcare resources will also be investigated, including socioeconomic status, communication differences, and cultural stigmas. Furthermore, this paper will provide a general explanation of reproductive techniques and discuss the best practices to prevent cultural stereotyping during treatment.



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