Date of Award

Spring 5-23-2022

Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Douglas Peterson

Second Advisor

Jacob Kerby

Third Advisor

JongSung Yoon


EEG, neurofeedback, alpha neurofeedback, neuroscience, working memory, plasticity, n-back, PEBL, NFT

Subject Categories

Cognitive Neuroscience | Cognitive Psychology | Cognitive Science | Neuroscience and Neurobiology | Psychology


Neurofeedback training has been a recent field of study in neuroscience, as a potential way to increase focus, and possibly boost cognitive performance. Most studies utilize a course of neurofeedback training sessions to find positive results in decreasing ADHD symptoms, depression symptoms, as well as further cognitive changes. In this study, we aim to determine the efficacy of a single session of neurofeedback training in increasing cognitive performance. To do so, we randomly separated 42 volunteers into either a control or experimental group. The experimental group participated in an n-back task both before and after an alpha neurofeedback training session, while the experimental group did a similar task, but utilized a sham neurofeedback training session rather than a real-time training session. Our results found minor differences in the performance of the two groups, with no significant differences. This suggests that while there is still potential that neurofeedback training can impact cognitive performance, and improve working memory, a single session may not be sufficient enough to provide any significant change.



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