"Bridging the Gap: Strategies for Enhancing WIC Participation Rates in " by Melissa K. Wyum

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Jamie Turgeon, M.A.

Second Advisor

Alexa Gauer, M.S.W.

Third Advisor

Darla Biel, M.A, CFRE


WIC, EBT, ACEs, SD DOH, Wellness on Wheels, Person-Centered Care, USDA, Nexus SD, Buche Foods

Subject Categories

Community Health and Preventive Medicine | Maternal and Child Health | Public Health | Public Health Education and Promotion


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is a national program administered by the USDA to State agencies for low-income women and nutritionally at-risk infants and children. South Dakota WIC provides services related to breastfeeding, healthcare referrals, and accessibility/knowledge of nutritious foods. Successes of WIC include improved birth outcomes, decreased healthcare costs, regular immunization rates, establishment of a primary care provider, and improved nutrition status. Although WIC has shown positive health outcomes for mothers and children, the relationship between the barriers of WIC access and resulting health outcomes in South Dakota is unknown. According to the USDA, South Dakota had a 49.2% coverage rate for residents that qualify. This means that the other 50.8% qualified, but chose not to utilize WIC services (USDA, 2021). Commonly cited barriers include a lack of transportation and technology, language gaps, finding WIC approved items, stigma within grocery shopping and healthcare, and childcare access. The information within this thesis explains why qualified users choose not to participate in WIC, solutions to commonly cited barriers, and current legislative and collaborative community efforts to improve utilization rates. Additional community based surveys of South Dakota WIC agencies and feedback from community members is needed to determine the current effectiveness of the WIC program, the areas of which it can be improved, and how the coverage rate can be comparable to national rates.



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