Date of Award

Spring 5-4-2024

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Political Science

First Advisor

Jacob Kerby

Second Advisor

Eric Jepsen

Third Advisor

David Carr


dreissenid mussel, zebra mussel, South Dakota, invasive species, economic impact

Subject Categories

Environmental Studies


Since 2014, dreissenid mussels have been established in South Dakota, spreading throughout the state. These invasive mussels can be vastly detrimental to an environment and completely disrupt the balance of natural systems they invade. In South Dakota, a state that relies heavily on land and resource use for some of the state’s major economic drivers, such as agriculture, hydropower, and tourism, the issue could be incredibly harmful if left uncontrolled. The mussel’s impacts range from increasing rash-causing bacteria in lakes and rivers to damaging critical infrastructure within dams. To understand the importance of the issue further, this paper explores the potential impact the infestation of the mussel may have to different stakeholders by using developed surcharges based on current observed costs and the use of USGS data. After examining the potential costs and impacts to industries around the state, this paper explores the current spread of dreissenid mussels in South Dakota, current policies, and government responses around invasive mussel mitigation throughout the region.



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