Date of Award

Spring 4-26-2024

Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Dr. Heather Anderson

Second Advisor

Dr. Charles Lubbers

Third Advisor

Mr. Joseph Donovan


Disability, Employment, Best Practices, Intellectual, Developmental, Hiring, IDD

Subject Categories

Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Human Resources Management


The purpose of this research is to identify best practices for the successful employment of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities by exploring their employment from several perspectives. Despite the prominence of DEI initiatives in today’s organizations and federal legislation prohibiting discrimination, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities still struggle to find employment. This is unfortunate as employment is vital for people's physical, mental, and financial well-being, and because employers may be overlooking valuable potential employees. Through a qualitative analysis of first-hand accounts of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their family members, and employers who proactively hire people with disabilities, my goal is to better understand the benefits and challenges of seeking employment with an intellectual and developmental disability and hiring employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities. My analysis uncovers several common themes in these accounts, including each group’s motives for seeking employment or helping those with disabilities find employment. Drawing from the information gleaned in my study, I have identified actions organizations take to meaningfully hire people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to positively impact both the employee and business.



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