"Prosecutors’ and Police Chiefs’ Perception of Crime in South Dakota" by Maggie Erickson

Date of Award

Spring 5-10-2024

Document Type

Honors Thesis


Criminal Justice

First Advisor

Dr. Shane Nordyke

Second Advisor

Dr. Thomas Mrozla

Third Advisor

Sandy McKeown


Prosecutors, Police Chiefs, South Dakota, Subjective view of crime, Fear of crime, Concern for crime

Subject Categories

Criminology and Criminal Justice | Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility | Legal Studies



This exploratory study regarding prosecutors' and police chiefs' perceptions of crime in South Dakota covers many aspects of crime, including available resources to address crime, perceptions of the criminal justice system, fear of crime, concern for specific crime categories, and crime-reducing measures. Studies specifically focusing on Criminal Justice actors’ perception of crime prove low in number at the national and state levels.


Findings indicate that prosecutors lack enough time, financial resources, and staff to effectively address crime, while police chiefs primarily view inadequate staffing as their biggest resource concern. While personal fear of crime or victimization for both groups prove of low or minor concern, they agree that crime rates have been increasing in their communities in the last five years. The most notable differences between prosecutors and police chiefs show in Criminal Justice perceptions, with police chiefs mostly disagreeing that the criminal justice system effectively addresses crime and that it should prioritize violent offenders over nonviolent. Drug-related offenses, interpersonal crimes, and alcohol-related crimes proved the most concerning of the categories listed for both prosecutors and police chiefs. Increasing staffing for police and police patrols was identified as some of the most effective crime-reducing measures.


By measuring the distribution of perception using descriptive statistics, this study aims to discover differences in perception between respondents and provide a background for future research on subjective views of crime, specifically regarding criminal justice system actors.



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