"Application of Leininger’s Culture Care Theory in Family Medical Histo" by Avery Del Grosso

Date of Award

Spring 2019

Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Dr. Mejai Bola Avoseh

Second Advisor

Dr. Carole South-Winter

Third Advisor

Dr. Scott Breuninger


Leininger, Culture Care, Medical History, Globalization, Sunrise Model


One of the very first interactions a patient has with medical staff is a one-on-one interview to ascertain family medical history. However, the practice of recording patient medical history has remained relatively unchanged for decades since the advent of modern medicine. This begs a question of if there is a way to improve the current status quo. Leininger’s Culture Care Theory and Sunrise Model implement both an innovative and patient-centered focus that acknowledges and incorporates patients’ cultural backgrounds into their healthcare plan. Combining Leininger’s Culture Care Theory with the current process of recording family medical history will modernize a somewhat antiquated aspect of modern healthcare, benefitting both patients and healthcare professionals alike.



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