Then Feed Just One
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Service Learning
Food insecurity and the global hunger crisis remains one of the largest and most pressing humanitarian crises declared by the U.N. (Care USA, 2017). Estimates of the world hunger crisis show that approximately 795 million people (1 out of every 9) suffer from food insecurity and that poor nutrition contributes to the deaths of 3.1 million children under the age of 5 every year (Food Aid Foundation, 2019). Locally (Clay County) the food insecurity rate has hovered around 16% for almost a decade (Feeding America, 2019). This past year Then Feed Just One (TFJO) student organization looked to do its part and help provide relief from the hunger crisis both globally and locally. Since its establishment as a student organization in 2017, TFJO has organized an annual Fall Packaging Event to help bring awareness to the global hunger crisis and package meals to be sent to Honduras. Honduras remains one of the poorest countries in the Western Hemisphere with over 60% of the people living below the poverty line (The World Bank, 2018). At the Packaging Event this past fall, TFJO helped to pack 22,680 meals to be sent to Honduras. Then Feed Just One also partnered with and focused on a few different food insecurity community outreach programs locally. TFJO members volunteered their time at the Welcome Table and the Community Connection Center Backpack Program. Through this exposure to the global hunger crisis and different community outreach programs built to combat its effects, Then Feed Just One members gain a better understanding of how they can give back to the community and help stop this international humanitarian crisis.
First Advisor
Sarah Wittmuss
Research Area
Service Learning
Recommended Citation
Sue Schmit, Kaylee; John Bergeson, Alexander; Mae Miller, Tiffany; Jo Sitzmann, Mandy; Elizabeth Schorg, Sydney; Jo Kruse, Jaiden; and John Miller, Cameron, "Then Feed Just One" (2020). IdeaFest. 227.