The Effects of Parental Alcohol Use
Document Type
Publication Date
Social Work
This study evaluates the effects of parental alcohol use on adults and how it affects their interactions with their environment and society. We have surveyed adults who have experienced parental alcohol use. Data was collected through a one-time self-administered questionnaire solicited through social media websites. Given a direct link from Survey Monkey, participants answered questions about parent/child relations and alcohol usage. Studies have found that offspring of parents with drinking issues are more likely at an increased risk of drinking excessively in adulthood. We aimed to present a better understanding of the effects of alcohol consumption in a family setting. Further evidence has suggested that children of alcoholic parents initiate drinking at earlier ages and are at higher risk for alcohol misuse than children of nonalcoholic parents.
First Advisor
Peter Kindle
Research Area
Social Work
Recommended Citation
Greger, Jackie; Schelske, Allison; Connors, Jalissa; Schlotman, Autumn; Buchholz, Courtney; and Waters, Grace, "The Effects of Parental Alcohol Use" (2020). IdeaFest. 234.