

Telehealth for Dementia

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Telehealth for those with dementia often goes overlooked. In this presentation I will emphasize the importance of telehealth for those with dementia that live in rural areas, giving them the ability to remain independent for a longer period of time and lessening the stress that is put their caregivers. I plan to consider the different types of telehealth such as video chat, telephone, etc.; why telehealth is needed in the geriatric population such as difficulty making trips to care sights due to mobility, transportation, behavioral issues, etc.; why patients do not use telehealth such as lack of computers, lack of understanding of technology, etc.; effectiveness of telehealth interventions using online research examples; and the caregivers' perspectives on telehealth, as well. I plan to use my personal knowledge of dementia that I have obtained through working in memory care units for a number of years and through the knowledge I have gained through my thesis research, which looks into the types of dementia (what they are and how they differ), in order to relate my Telehealth for Dementia presentation to general experiences of real-life dementia patients and their families. Overall, my presentation will be factual, informative and online research-based.

First Advisor

Jewel Goodman Shepherd

Second Advisor

Mary DeVany

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