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Strobe, gait, vision


Exercise Science | Kinesiology | Motor Control


Visual impairments can affect an individual's activities of daily living. Walking, balance, and coordination can all be affected by different levels of vision. To act as a visual impairment, we placed strobe glasses on three participants of different ages to examine their gait performance as they attempted to walk in a straight line in a tandem gait fashion. We used the app ProMovie to collect the data, and the software Kineova to analyze the data. We used a heel marker to evaluate gait speed, right and left acromion markers to evaluate frontal shoulder tilt speed, and right and left anterior superior iliac spine markers to evaluate frontal pelvic tilt speed. Shoulder and pelvis tilt speeds were used to measure the participant's balance. As the strobe on the glasses flashed longer, we hypothesized that the walking would become more challenging, resulting in a decrease in gait speed and balance measures. The results demonstrated that as visual restriction increased, gait speed decreased and shoulder and pelvis movement speeds increased. Comparisons between participants indicated that age also affects the performance, suggesting that younger individuals may rely more on visual sensory information for gait. Our research study could be applied to future studies including various weather conditions that cause a decrease in vision ability such as rain, fog, snow, and darkness.

First Advisor

Hyung Suk Yang

Research Area

Kinesiology & Sport Science
