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Kinematics, bending down, hip joint angle, joint mobility


Exercise Science | Kinesiology


Different methods of bending down causes different muscle movements and potentially injury. In order to study different restrictions on the body, we researched three different methods of bending down, and we examined how different joints move in each position. We looked at bending of the knee and back equally, restricted knee movement, and restricted back movement. We used the app ProMovie to collect the data and the software Kineova to process the data. We placed markers on the research participant's fifth metatarsal, lateral calcaneus, lateral malleolus, femoral epicondyle, greater trochanter, and shoulder. We tracked the movement of each marker during each bending trial. In our research, we hoped to find how different joint angles move when there is a restriction on different parts of the body. After analyzing the data of each type of bending down movement, we compared the data and found that the hip joint angle shows the least amount of change, but the trunk joint angle and trunk segment angle showed the most change. This is what we hypothesized would happen. When injuries occur or individuals age, our bodies cannot always move the way they used to. Our research study can be related to occupational therapy. Occupational therapists can help increase joint mobility by working with patients and educating them about proper movements.

First Advisor

Hyung Suk Yang

Research Area

Kinesiology & Sport Science
