Date of Award

Spring 5-6-2023

Document Type

Oral Presentation/Poster

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Moses Ikiugu


caregiver, performance, satisfaction, neurological, occupational therapy

Subject Categories

Occupational Therapy


This capstone project was to develop a program that would decrease the symptoms of caregiver burnout to increase the performance and satisfaction with performance among caregivers of individuals with neurological conditions. Caregivers can develop burnout when the burden of caregiving increases to the extent that the experience is not a healthy option for the caregiver or care recipient (Kasuya et al., 2000). Three occupational therapy theories were used to support this project: Model of Human Occupation, Tolgia’s Dynamic Interactional Approach, and Andragogy Learning Theory for Adult Learners. An online resource website was developed to help disseminate the information used in the program. Content was developed from interviews with caregivers and healthcare professionals. The results of this program showed a positive effect on caregiver well-being. Caregivers reported increased self-awareness and autonomy while reporting fewer risk factors for burnout. An overall reporting of decreased stress and distress perceived by the caregiver was seen. This program implies that caregivers showed an increase in performance and satisfaction with their caregiving tasks and their own personal wellbeing; thereby lowering the risk of caregiver burnout.



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