"Enhancing Life: Promoting Meaningful Interventions to Support Individu" by Keelan N. Blasius

Date of Award

Spring 5-7-2022

Document Type

Oral Presentation/Poster

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)


Health Science

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Karen Hebert


Meaningful interventions, dementia, loneliness

Subject Categories

Occupational Therapy


This capstone project focused on the implementation of meaningful interventions to support the quality of life in individuals with dementia. Those with dementia often lack the opportunity to participate in meaningful activities, leading to increased loneliness and decreased quality of life. Individual and group sessions were administered to eight participants over the course of fourteen weeks. Progress was tracked through feedback surveys and pre-test/post-test assessments. This project found that engaging in meaningful activities helps to support quality of life while also decreasing feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.



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