
The South Dakota Law Review is a journal of critical commentary on current legal issues with a state, national, and international circulation. Published three times per year, the South Dakota Law Review contains articles by leading members of the legal profession and student notes and comments. The South Dakota Law Review was first published in the spring of 1956 and is published three times a year by students at The University of South Dakota Knudson School of Law. For over sixty years, the South Dakota Law Review has provided a forum to publish materials presenting views on subjects of interest to the legal profession. With nearly 600 subscribers a year, the South Dakota Law Review reaches all fifty states and many foreign universities and institutions.

Current Issue: Volume 69, Issue 2 (2024)

Title Page/Masthead


Title Page
South Dakota Law Review

Prefatory Materials


University and Law School Personnel
South Dakota Law Review


Information About the Law School
South Dakota Law Review

Table of Contents


Table of Contents
South Dakota Law Review



Thomas E. Simmons

Student Comment/Note