"Things Left Behind" by Aqeel Ahmad


Aqeel Ahmad

Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Duncan Barlow


Things Left Behind is the story of a family in a small town in Pakistan where both the town and the family are transitioning between their traditional ways of living and Modernity coming from outside the town. Through its various characters, the narrative unfolds the struggles of facing challenges put by technology and colonial projects. The characters long for the safety and familiarity of their rural and traditional backgrounds while becoming part of an urban and modern milieu, creating a conflict. The arrival of Modernity takes place at the cost of the rearrangement and modification of the traditional and familiar world. This narrative deals with the loss of leaving behind a world where one is coded to live. Toward the end of the narrative, my work pushes its characters to accept the loss of their traditional world, let go of their fears and move forward, overcoming challenges to exist in a modern world.

Subject Categories

English Language and Literature


Things Left Behind

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota



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