Document Type


Date of Award


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Counseling and Human Services

First Advisor

Daniel DeCino


A qualitative, phenomenological study was implemented to investigate the experiences of independently licensed supervisors who oversee counselors who utilize the 12 steps in the work done with those dealing with substance use disorders. Seven participants from the Midwest completed an initial semi-structured interview, journaling activity, and follow-up interview. Data was subjected to member checks and an external audit to ensure themes were trustworthy. Two overall textural-structural themes were found through the integration of the initial nine themes developed; five textual themes describing what was experienced (acknowledging resistance and consideration, using spirituality as a tool, acknowledging differences and diversity, observed growth and development, additional awareness) and four structural themes describing how spirituality was experienced by 12 step supervisors (diversity of experience with spirituality and religion, role of community, effect of workplace culture, holistic nature of spirituality). The use of spirituality as a resource and having consideration in spiritualities role in everything were found to be the underlying foundation of the phenomenon found across the participants’ shared experiences. The findings of the study support the utilization of spirituality as a resource by supervisors, supervisees, and clients. The importance of acknowledging the role of spirituality as an aspect of culture invites the exploration, discussion, and continuing education of the diversity of experiences an individual may have. Those who supervise others, whether in an agency or in the classroom, can introduce these forms of exploration through differing formats.


Addiction, Counseling, Spirituality, Supervision

Number of Pages



University of South Dakota



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