Date of Award

Spring 2024

Document Type

Honors Thesis



First Advisor

Elise Boxer

Second Advisor

Tony Krus

Third Advisor

David Alexander


NAGPRA, Repatriation, Culturally unidentifiable, Blackfeet, Pawnee, Anthropologist, 2024 NAGPRA rule.

Subject Categories

Native American Studies


The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act is a federal law that provides a legal avenue for repatriation among federally recognized tribes. Although NAGPRA was passed with support from American Indian Tribal Nations, there has often been disagreements about how NAGPRA is intended to benefit American Indians and Anthropological Scholars. This thesis will explore some of the themes present in the NAGPRA discourse starting after the Archaeological Resource Protection Act was passed, up until the second decade of the 21st century.



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