

A Correlation of Biosensing Microchips and Compliance in High-Risk Patients

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Health Services Administration


Non-compliance in patients with chronic illnesses has become a huge issue for healthcare providers today. Non-compliance can result from many things, including an inability to make the trip to appointments, inability to finance care, and forgetfulness. Telehealth has improved non-compliance for the first two reasons, but does not account for the third. In response to the third issue, forgetfulness, researchers have developed implantable microchips that sense a patient's internal conditions and transfer the data to a remote monitoring device. Microchips automatically measure specific internal conditions for the patient, and do not require and cumbersome external equipment for a patient to constantly carry. Use of a microchip instead of external devices can also reduce background "noise" that can contaminate a test and therefore increase the accuracy of that test. Patients would no longer need to constantly prick their finger or visit a lab to draw blood because the chip can be designed to measure most pertinent data based upon what the patient needs. In addition to reducing travel time and non-compliance due to a fear of needles, microchips also offer a cost-effective option for patients with chronic illness. Microchips are inexpensive to make and are designed to harvest power wirelessly, making them extremely useful for a patient who is frequently not at home. Providers can set alarm points so that when a stat falls above or below a certain point, the patient will receive a notification with instructions on how to achieve homeostasis once again. Microchips can be designed with or without GPS location capabilities as well, so patients need not worry if they feel concerned about privacy. Microchips present a solution to two of the three main causes of non-compliance, and when used in conjunction with telehealth, all three causes are eliminated.

First Advisor

Jewel Goodman Shepherd

Second Advisor

Mary DeVany

Research Area

Health Services Administration

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